Course Provider: | |
Product Code: DC/AIP/01 |
AIPGMEE Bundle Pack contains more than 4,950 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions). Our online state of art mock test series gives a real feel of the present CBT (COMPUTER BASED TEST) scenario like attempting questions in specified time and visual basic questions for- AIPGMEE. Our online mock & subject wise test are specially designed for each and every exam that includes present question pattern and time limitations.
AIPGMEE Bundle Pack contains more than 4,950 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions). Our online state of art mock test series gives a real feel of the present CBT (COMPUTER BASED TEST) scenario like attempting questions in specified time and visual basic questions for- AIPGMEE. Our online mock & subject wise test are specially designed for each and every exam that includes present question pattern and time limitations.
All India PG Medical Entrance Exam:
1. The test comprises of 300 Multiple Choices, single correct response questions in English language only. The weightage of MCQ’s in each specialty is indicative and purely provisional.
2. The examination shall be a multiple choice questions test delivered using computer network as per prescribed scheme.
3. Negative marking: There shall be no negative marking.
Course Details:
Language: English
Subscription: 6 Months
Medical Students & Graduates who wish to do Post Graduation through AIPGMEE.